Saturday, January 23, 2010

What happened on me ?

What had happened on me ???
I knew it well, something uneaseness that I couldn't control.
But I have to control it, prevent it from expending immensely inside my body.

I was really REALLY really
shocked + feared + grieved
when heard what you said to me.
It really surprised me and made me wordless instantly.
Actually disappointed rather than shocked.
What you guessed was right, my voice was deep and sullen...
Please don't take that as a joke with me, I scared...
You know, I totally relieved when I knew the fact >.<"

Sigh, I don't know what are you thinking about ?!
But you do so close with me...
Maybe the life way we lead are different and it means not much to you after all, but it takes root in my heart tardily.
I don't know what should I do ?
It's more than I expected...
INSECURE, I don't want to be hurted anymore !!!

p/s: I feel distress the lifestyle you lead...overwhelmed by pressure, but I was even more sad for I can't help you at all !!!

by_bittercoffee ^^

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