Saturday, October 17, 2009

my dear friend

My dear friend,
I miss you so much...

I was so happy that we could chat like an old friend.
It has been a long long long time we didn't meet or even hear each other,
so the chat that day really a great step forward.

You are my dear friend since we know each other.
Do you still remember the time when we were still in kindergarten?

You are my crony that time.
Then we went into primary school,
different class made us far apart.
Next is the time in secondary school.
The gap between us futher apart.
I'm very regret that we had become strangers to each other.

Five years ago,
you choosed to began your own new life that very different from all of us.
Within this 5 years,
you went through so many events that may heartbreak and upset.
A young and frail girl step into the cruel reality world,
I wondered you can cope with all these harships.
You are much tougher than I thought,
really a tough girl.
Just keep it.

Actually I was worrying about you these few years,
I might think of you sometimes.
I wonder how you deal with your life?
Are you okay?
May I help you?

But I know you've become stronger from the difficulties.

Be happy girl,
you should get it.
Be tough girl,
and I know you are tough.

by_bittercoffee ^^

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